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Skoonmaakbykomstighede-stel vir SUP 23T-handsweispistool met skoonmaakstofbedekking en fokuslensstel

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Introducing, the Cleaning Accessory Kit for the SUP 23T handheld welding gun by Zhilei Laser. This comprehensive kit includes everything you need to keep your welding gun in top condition and ensure optimal performance for all your welding projects.


The kit includes a cleaning dust cover designed specifically for the SUP 23T handheld welding gun. This cover helps protect the welding gun from dust and debris, ensuring that it stays clean and ready for use at a moment's notice. With the dust cover in place, you can rest assured that your welding gun will always be in peak condition for your welding needs.


In addition to the dust cover, the kit also includes a focusing lens set to help you achieve precise and accurate welds every time. The focusing lens set is designed to work seamlessly with the SUP 23T handheld welding gun, ensuring that you get the most out of your welding equipment. With the focusing lens set, you can achieve sharp, clear welds with ease, making your welding projects more efficient and effective.


The Cleaning Accessory Kit for the SUP 23T handheld welding gun by Zhilei Laser is made with high-quality materials to ensure durability and long-lasting performance. The kit is easy to use and maintain, making it the perfect accessory for welders of all skill levels. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, this kit is a must-have for keeping your welding gun in top shape.


 the Cleaning Accessory Kit for the SUP 23T handheld welding gun by Zhilei Laser is a versatile and practical tool for welders looking to maintain their equipment and achieve precise welds every time. With the included dust cover and focusing lens set, you can ensure that your welding gun stays clean and ready for use whenever you need it. Invest in the Cleaning Accessory Kit for the SUP 23T handheld welding gun by Zhilei Laser today and take your welding projects to the next level

Spesifikasie lys
Includes a D20F800 focusing lens set & a dust cover

Sjanghai SmartRay Laser Technology Co., Ltd

Jou professionele eenstopdiens vir lasertoepassingsoplossings en laserbykomstighede

Besigheids Profiel

Sjanghai SmartRay Laser Technology Co., Ltd

SmartRay Laser Technology Co. Ltd. is located in ShangHai, China, Which is specialized in providing laser application solutions and laser accessories eenstopdiens vir baie jare. Ons is 'n vervaardigingsonderneming wat produksie, navorsing en ontwikkeling en verkope integreer. Ons maatskappy het 'n groep van ingenieurs en tegniese personeel wat aangestel is in aanvraag-analise in die laserveld, met volledige toerusting en sterk tegniese sterkte, en kan kliënte van hoë gehalte produkte voorsien

Ons maatskappy handel hoofsaaklik in: bykomstighede vir lasersnymasjiene, laser sweismasjien bykomstighede lasergraveermasjienbykomstighede en ander lasertoerustingbykomstighede

Ander lasertoerusting bykomstighede sluit in E: laserkop, beskermende lens, spuitkop, kollimerende fokuslens, sensor, keramiek liggaam, radiofrekwensie kabel en so aan


1V: Wat is jou voordeel

A: Ons is 'n professionele en betroubare fabriek wat alle modelle van lasermasjiene met enige handelsmerk verkoop en herstel. Aankope en OEM vir verbruikbare onderdele word verwelkom. Ons kan ook masjiene aanpas vir jou behoeftes

2V: Wat is jou MOQ

A: Voorraaditems is beskikbaar om te bestel vanaf 1-10 stukke. Alle nuwe kliënte kan 'n 10% 50% afslag ongeag die hoeveelheid gekoop

3V: Oor handelsvoorwaardes? afleweringstyd

A: Normaalweg T/T vir grootmaatbestelling; Prys is EXW Sjanghai, China; Goedere meestal in voorraad, afleweringstyd is normaalweg 1 ~ 3 werksdae, wat afhang van modelle en hoeveelheid

4V: Hoe gaan dit met die versending

A: Ons verskaf wel internasionale Express deur-tot-deur, lugredery en oseaan vervoer; u kan die versendingsmetode kies wat u verkies, en verskillende afleweringsmetodes het verskillende afleweringskoste.

5V: Wat is die betalingsvoorwaardes wat u aanvaar

A: Ons aanvaar baie betalingsvoorwaardes: T/T (30% deposito, 70% voor versending), Handelsversekering, 100% T/T vooruit; vir klein bondelbestellings word Western Union, Paypal almal deur ons aanvaar. As dit vir OEM is, sal dit 50% deposito wees, 50% voor versending.