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Fscut 8000 Cypcut Remote Hand Shank vir lasersnymasjien

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Introducing, the Fscut 8000 Cypcut Remote Hand Shank for Laser Cutting Machine, brought to you by Zhilei Laser. This innovative accessory is designed to enhance the functionality and convenience of your laser cutting equipment.


Made from high-quality materials, the Fscut 8000 Cypcut Remote Hand Shank is durable and built to last. It is ergonomically designed for comfortable use, allowing you to easily control your laser cutting machine from a distance. The remote hand shank is compatible with Cypcut software, making it seamlessly integrate with your existing system.


With the Fscut 8000 Cypcut Remote Hand Shank, you can adjust cutting parameters, pause, resume, and stop the cutting process, all with the touch of a button. This remote control feature eliminates the need to manually operate the machine, saving you time and increasing efficiency in your workflow. Whether you are working on a large industrial project or a small DIY task, this hand shank will streamline your cutting process.


In addition to its practical benefits, the Fscut 8000 Cypcut Remote Hand Shank is also easy to set up and use. Simply connect it to your laser cutting machine and start controlling it wirelessly. The user-friendly interface allows for intuitive operation, so you can focus on the task at hand without any technical difficulties.


Furthermore, Zhilei Laser is a trusted brand known for providing high-quality laser cutting solutions. With the Fscut 8000 Cypcut Remote Hand Shank, you can rest assured that you are investing in a reliable and effective accessory for your laser cutting machine.


The Fscut 8000 Cypcut Remote Hand Shank is a must-have accessory for anyone looking to enhance the capabilities of their laser cutting equipment. Its durable construction, easy operation, and compatibility with Cypcut software make it a valuable addition to any workshop. Upgrade your cutting experience today with the Fscut 8000 Cypcut Remote Hand Shank from Zhilei Laser

Sjanghai SmartRay Laser Technology Co., Ltd
Jou professionele eenstopdiens vir lasertoepassingsoplossings en laserbykomstighede
Spesifikasie grafiek
Zhilei Laser
Vir laser snykop
Fscut 8000
Besigheids Profiel
Zhilei Automation Laser Technology Co., Ltd

Zhilei Automation Laser Technology Co. Ltd. is geleë in Sjanghai, China, wat gespesialiseer is in die verskaffing van lasertoepassingsoplossings en laserbykomstighede eenstopdiens vir baie jare. Ons is 'n vervaardigingsonderneming wat produksie, navorsing en ontwikkeling en verkope integreer. Ons maatskappy het 'n groep van ingenieurs en tegniese personeel wat aangestel is in aanvraag-analise in die laserveld, met volledige toerusting en sterk tegniese sterkte, en kan kliënte van hoë gehalte produkte voorsien

Ons maatskappy handel hoofsaaklik in: bykomstighede vir lasersnymasjiene, laser sweismasjien bykomstighede lasergraveermasjienbykomstighede en ander lasertoerustingbykomstighede

Ander lasertoerusting bykomstighede sluit in E: laserkop, beskermende lens, spuitkop, kollimerende fokuslens, sensor, keramiek liggaam, radiofrekwensie kabel en so aan

1V: Wat is jou voordeel

A: Ons is 'n professionele en betroubare fabriek wat alle modelle van lasermasjiene met enige handelsmerk verkoop en herstel. Aankope en OEM vir verbruikbare onderdele word verwelkom. Ons kan ook masjiene aanpas vir jou behoeftes

2V: Wat is jou MOQ

A: Voorraaditems is beskikbaar om te bestel vanaf 1-10 stukke. Alle nuwe kliënte kan 'n 10% 50% afslag ongeag die hoeveelheid gekoop

3V: Oor handelsvoorwaardes? afleweringstyd

A: Normaalweg T/T vir grootmaatbestelling; Prys is EXW Sjanghai, China; Goedere meestal in voorraad, afleweringstyd is normaalweg 1 ~ 3 werksdae, wat afhang van modelle en hoeveelheid

4V: Hoe gaan dit met die versending

A: Ons verskaf wel internasionale Express deur-tot-deur, lugredery en oseaan vervoer; u kan die versendingsmetode kies wat u verkies, en verskillende afleweringsmetodes het verskillende afleweringskoste.

5V: Wat is die betalingsvoorwaardes wat u aanvaar

A: Ons aanvaar baie betalingsvoorwaardes: T/T (30% deposito, 70% voor versending), Handelsversekering, 100% T/T vooruit; vir klein bondelbestellings word Western Union, Paypal almal deur ons aanvaar. As dit vir OEM is, sal dit 50% deposito wees, 50% voor versending.
