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Why is the lens of the laser cutting machine damaged?

2024-11-16 00:05:16
Why is the lens of the laser cutting machine damaged?

In terms of using a laser cutting machine, such as laser cutting machine price by Zhilei Laser, the usage and maintenance of the lens is extremely important. The lens is a part of a special mechanism of the machine, takes the laser beam and focuses it on wood, plastic, metal, etc. to cut them. The lens is a vital instrument, of course, but one that can get knocked out of place at times which can be an issue, too. Here is why that might happen and how you can prevent it from happening. 

What Causes Lens Damage?  

A hand full of items can damage a laser cutting machine lens. One major cause is operating the machine for extended periods without taking any break. The machine is very hot during long periods of operation. An excess of heat will burn up the lens and will impact the efficiency of the machine. 

Also, too thick or heavy materials that you work with are another reason that the lens may be affected. Since these interacting thick materials, when laser strikes them, the laser beam may reflect back and thus it damages Fiber laser lens. That is why you must always use the correct settings for what you are cutting, and the machine always has to be calibrated before you start. 

Common Causes of Lens Damage

The following are some common things that will damage the lens of your Zhilei Laser cutting machine. Another widespread issue is dirt and dust. The lens can get bought dirty and dusted, scratched or damaged in consequence. Which is why it's so critical in keeping the lens clean and no debris being in the path of the laser beam. 

Using the machine too much without timeouts is another frequent issue. If you're running it for an extended time, that heat could build up and this might burn the Focus lens laser. You should take breaks after using it to let the machine cool down before you use it again. That benefits the lens as well as the proper functioning and longevity of the machine. 

Essential Tips

To avoid any damage to the lens, take note of these essential tips: 

Ensure the lens is clean – Use a soft cloth to remove any dirt or obstruction that may be present on the Laser cutter lens. Do this gently, you don't want to scratch it up. A special cleaning solution made specifically for laser lenses can also be used to restore proper functioning of the own lens. 

Machine calibration: This refers to setting up so that the laser beam directly hits the material you want to cut. Ensure you cut the materials with appropriate settings. If there's misalignment in the settings, the laser can reflect, and that can damage the chromatic aberration lens. 

Cleaning and Caring For Your Lens

First, remove any dirt that has built upon the lens of your Zhilei Laser cutting machine with a cloth. A soft cloth and a very gentle hand as you do not want to rub the lens and scratch it. Make sure to use a special laser cutting lens cleaning solution that will help to keep the lens clean and protected. 

After that, leave the lens covered when not in use with the machine. Putting a cover on will prevent it from dust or debris accumulating over time and damaging it. Keep in mind that the machine needs to be calibrated beforehand as well, so the laser beam hits the piece you are trying to cut properly.