Introducing, the Fscut 8000 Cypcut Remote Hand Shank for Laser Cutting Machine, brought to you by Zhilei Laser. This innovative accessory is designed to enhance the functionality and convenience of your laser cutting equipment.
Made from high-quality materials, the Fscut 8000 Cypcut Remote Hand Shank is durable and built to last. It is ergonomically designed for comfortable use, allowing you to easily control your laser cutting machine from a distance. The remote hand shank is compatible with Cypcut software, making it seamlessly integrate with your existing system.
With the Fscut 8000 Cypcut Remote Hand Shank, you can adjust cutting parameters, pause, resume, and stop the cutting process, all with the touch of a button. This remote control feature eliminates the need to manually operate the machine, saving you time and increasing efficiency in your workflow. Whether you are working on a large industrial project or a small DIY task, this hand shank will streamline your cutting process.
In addition to its practical benefits, the Fscut 8000 Cypcut Remote Hand Shank is also easy to set up and use. Simply connect it to your laser cutting machine and start controlling it wirelessly. The user-friendly interface allows for intuitive operation, so you can focus on the task at hand without any technical difficulties.
Furthermore, Zhilei Laser is a trusted brand known for providing high-quality laser cutting solutions. With the Fscut 8000 Cypcut Remote Hand Shank, you can rest assured that you are investing in a reliable and effective accessory for your laser cutting machine.
The Fscut 8000 Cypcut Remote Hand Shank is a must-have accessory for anyone looking to enhance the capabilities of their laser cutting equipment. Its durable construction, easy operation, and compatibility with Cypcut software make it a valuable addition to any workshop. Upgrade your cutting experience today with the Fscut 8000 Cypcut Remote Hand Shank from Zhilei Laser
Tovar nomi |
Cypcut pulti |
Brendning nomi |
Jiley lazeri |
foydalanish |
Lazerli kesish boshi uchun |
Chiziq uzunligi |
147mm |
Interface |
ariza |
Fscut 8000 |
Zhilei Automation Laser Technology Co. Ltd. kompaniyasi Xitoyning Shanxay shahrida joylashgan bo'lib, lazerni qo'llash echimlari va lazer aksessuarlarini taqdim etishga ixtisoslashgan. ko'p yillar davomida bir martalik xizmat. Biz ishlab chiqarish, tadqiqot va ishlab chiqish va sotishni birlashtirgan ishlab chiqarish korxonamiz. Kompaniyamiz muhandislik guruhiga ega va jalb qilingan texnik xodimlar lazer sohasida talabni tahlil qilish, to'liq uskunalar va kuchli texnik kuchga ega va mijozlarga yuqori sifatli mahsulotlarni taqdim etishi mumkin
Kompaniyamiz asosan quyidagilar bilan shug'ullanadi: lazerli kesish mashinasi aksessuarlari, lazerli payvandlash apparati aksessuarlari lazerli o'yma mashinasi aksessuarlari va boshqa lazer uskunalari aksessuarlari